First Street, No. 8, Manchester

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  • Images courtesy of Ask Real Estate

  • Images courtesy of Ask Real Estate

  • Images courtesy of Ask Real Estate

  • Location
    Manchester, UK
  • Client
    ASK Real Estate, Patrizia & Carillion
  • Construction Value

Project Description

First Street is a multi building development in Manchester city centre, with DFC staff involved in the redevelopment for many years. Currently DFC are undertaking the fire safety design on ‘Number 8’ which will provide over 170,000 sqft of offices. Our Clients ASK Real Estate, Patrizia and Carillion recognise the value that DFC can provide through historic project knowledge and assistance during construction.

Our current role entails advising Carillion and the construction teams on the implementation of the fire strategy on site.  DFC are advising on the performance of proposed construction details, assessing on site built details, liaising with approvals bodies and advising of potential fit out implications. DFC are proud to continue our association with First Street and to deploy our construction skills.
